Cost-Effective Credit Card Processing for Restaurants and Bars

Restaurants and bars save up to 40% when they switch to Joker Payments

As much as 75% of diners prefer to pay using credit or debit cards at restaurants. That’s a lot of transactions, and if you’re paying high fees and markups for every swipe, you’re handing over your revenues to your processor (and other middlemen) instead of reinvesting the funds into your business.

As the National Restaurant Association puts it, “as soon as a restaurant customer swipes a payment card, as many as 12 additional entities can take a cut from that one transaction. Just a few of these middlemen might be an independent contractor, an accounting firm, a non-processing bank and the network software provider.

Joker Payments is different. We’ll lower your processing fees so you can invest more in serving great food and delighting your customers. At Joker Payments, you don’t have to worry about unnecessary fees. Instead of taking a high cut out of your restaurant’s sales, we provide very low rates and many affordable point of sale solutions.

Get in touch with us today — we’d love to discuss your restaurant’s payment processing needs to see if we’re a good fit.


Contact us to see how much you will save. 859-554-0003

Restaurant Point of Sale

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